Saturday, September 28, 2013

New Link

I added C-Span to our links today.

There is a lot for teenagers (and adults) to learn, from watching how our government process works both in live feed, and on video.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

New Site! ^.^ And, a new Game!

I am very happy to be able to present a new interactive educational site, 

Please be sure to have you ad-blocker up and running since no one can ever be certain what sorts of ads will pop up on a site that has them. 

This interactive educational game site has activities for grades Kindergarten through Fifth grade. 

I produced a game for my students: 

Dice Multiplication
Rules: One person tosses two dice. All players multiply the two numbers facing up on the dice once they land. The person that tosses must tell the other players if they have the correct answer. Everyone depends on this player to be correct. Each player takes a turn tossing the dice for the other players. 

A timer may added to increase speed and add a new aspect.

Have students record their work in a notebook for you to look over later. This is really nice for when you need to work one-on -one with a student, yet need to keep the other students busy at the same time. 

Other ways to use this game are to teach finger-multiplications just previous to introducing the game, add manipulatives for students to use in figuring out their answers, and adding a bell for the first student done in each group - OR - for the first group in class that get their answer in a setting where the teacher tosses the dice for the whole class to figure out. 

Have Fun Being Educated! ^.^