Saturday, June 29, 2013

New Site Added

I have added the following site:

This site is designed for Preschool through Kindergarten, and is strictly 'pay to play'. I am excited though. Here's why. Each and every area of the site offers multiple learning activities. Even if my young children are drawn to one area over and over again, the experience will continue to expand their perceptions and understanding.  There is no place anywhere in the site, that I have seen thus far, where my young children can waste their time.

Also, as the parent, I have the ability to design lesson plans for my children to follow on this site, from my computer. I can monitor their progress, make changes to their levels, and direct their lessons.

This is day one for my 6 year old, who has been very stubborn about learning. She is mesmerized!

I will offer a review in a few months.


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Be Busy Spelling Bees

I added two websites with spelling lists today. Spelling is important! Repetition is the only way that I know of to teach this. However, there are many ways to turn repetition into games. Learning how to spell can and should be fun!

Here is a nice article for beginning ideas on how to make spelling lessons fun: