Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Emma Smith, 'My Story'

Emma Smith- My Story

Please, be wary of the garbage from youtube that may pop up in this box after you finish watching this touching movie.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Hobbit

I deleted the Opera Adblock. It has proven unreliable in that explorer. I also deleted the Amino Acids quiz in an effort to see whether I had added too many links. While I am able to delete links, I cannot add them. 

Thus, I am adding these links to the blog section only, for the moment.

I have a child with severe dyslexia, which has made audio books a huge blessing. Below are the embedded Audios of The Hobbit, parts 1 and 2 of 2. Please be aware that while embedding prevents the side images of the main youtube site, images and other video links which may not be appropriate, will appear at the end of the recordings. 

Apologies, youtube has had the owner of these links remove the recordings.  

For those looking for The Hobbit to read online, I am adding a link as well: Click Here to read 'The Hobbit'. Adblock removes the annoying ads, see a link for that in my links section for Chrome and Firefox. 

Happy Journey! :)

Saturday, September 28, 2013

New Link

I added C-Span to our links today.

There is a lot for teenagers (and adults) to learn, from watching how our government process works both in live feed, and on video.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

New Site! ^.^ And, a new Game!

I am very happy to be able to present a new interactive educational site, abcya.com 

Please be sure to have you ad-blocker up and running since no one can ever be certain what sorts of ads will pop up on a site that has them. 

This interactive educational game site has activities for grades Kindergarten through Fifth grade. 

I produced a game for my students: 

Dice Multiplication
Rules: One person tosses two dice. All players multiply the two numbers facing up on the dice once they land. The person that tosses must tell the other players if they have the correct answer. Everyone depends on this player to be correct. Each player takes a turn tossing the dice for the other players. 

A timer may added to increase speed and add a new aspect.

Have students record their work in a notebook for you to look over later. This is really nice for when you need to work one-on -one with a student, yet need to keep the other students busy at the same time. 

Other ways to use this game are to teach finger-multiplications just previous to introducing the game, add manipulatives for students to use in figuring out their answers, and adding a bell for the first student done in each group - OR - for the first group in class that get their answer in a setting where the teacher tosses the dice for the whole class to figure out. 

Have Fun Being Educated! ^.^

Friday, August 30, 2013

Quiz and Know

I have added several new quizzes to the links section. Some are interesting, some complicated, and others are just fun. 

Friday, August 23, 2013

Saturday, June 29, 2013

New Site Added

I have added the following site:


This site is designed for Preschool through Kindergarten, and is strictly 'pay to play'. I am excited though. Here's why. Each and every area of the site offers multiple learning activities. Even if my young children are drawn to one area over and over again, the experience will continue to expand their perceptions and understanding.  There is no place anywhere in the site, that I have seen thus far, where my young children can waste their time.

Also, as the parent, I have the ability to design lesson plans for my children to follow on this site, from my computer. I can monitor their progress, make changes to their levels, and direct their lessons.

This is day one for my 6 year old, who has been very stubborn about learning. She is mesmerized!

I will offer a review in a few months.


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Be Busy Spelling Bees

I added two websites with spelling lists today. Spelling is important! Repetition is the only way that I know of to teach this. However, there are many ways to turn repetition into games. Learning how to spell can and should be fun!

Here is a nice article for beginning ideas on how to make spelling lessons fun: http://voices.yahoo.com/10-fun-ways-learn-spelling-words-795507.html

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Added Live Cams

I added a few live cams from a couple of zoos and from the Monterey Bay Aquarium. My children have been particularly fond of the Kelp Cam.

Friday, April 5, 2013

AdBlock - Tested and Approved by Just Me!

As a result of getting no cooperation from a website I have listed here in my links, for keeping their ads clean, I am adding links for an Ad Blocker, called AdBlock.

I have added three links. AdBlock works with Firefox, Chrome, and Opera in protecting our children from unexpected ads on websites that would normally be perfectly safe, but for unscrupulous advertisers.

I have tested it on each of these browsers and found it to work perfectly. There may be some drawbacks, but I have not found them yet. I am very satisfied with this product.

It is free, by the way! ^ ^